About Us

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Who is YBP?

Young Black Pharma (YBP) is a 501(c)(6) non-profit organization that is geared towards Cultivating, Inspiring, and Connecting Black professionals in the pharmaceutical and biotech industries. Originally founded in 2021, YBP was initiated by a close-knit group of Black pharma professionals who identified the need for individuals with similar backgrounds to network and share stories about their unique experiences in pharma while fostering growth and professional advancement among peers in a trusted and safe space.

What is Young Black Pharma?


Our Mission

To Cultivate talent through mentoring initiatives that focus on the personal and professional development needed to excel in the pharmaceutical industry.

To Inspire Black pharmaceutical industry professionals to strive for excellence inside and outside of their careers and prioritize paying it forward.

To Connect and network to share meaningful experiences and encourage community among Black people in pharma.

Our Vision

We seek to empower Black professionals with essential resources and networking opportunities that will increase the representation and improve the trajectory of Black professionals within the pharmaceutical industry.

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Our members include:

  • Black professionals at every level in pharma across all therapeutic and functional areas
  • Across all educational backgrounds
  • Currently employed full-time or currently completing a post-doctoral fellowship at a pharmaceutical or biotech company *
  • Members must also share in the passion and visions of the YBP founders, which is to advance the Black community in pharma and increase the inclusion of Black professionals seated at the table throughout the industry.

* A pharmaceutical and/or biotech company is defined as a commercial business licensed to research, develop, market, and/or distribute drugs, most commonly in the context of healthcare.

Young Black Pharma Testimonials